I got a Lair Dragon from Push skate shop in Asheville. I love it!
— Josh
I have been skating for an year and I steel have my first skate, Powell Golden Dragon, I really love my skate, and it's awesome quality, Actually I am doing kickflips 180, heelflip 180 and a lot of grind, All thanks to Steve Cab and his perfect product!
— Santiago
I love my Golden Dragon! Not only has a good design and look but great quality!
— David Amado
I got a Golden Dragon board from my local skateboarding shop within the first day off getting it I could ollie, drop in and heel flip !!!! There is no question about it... Golden Dragon Boards rule!!
— Shepsi
I love my board. I'm just starting to skateboard and I gotta give props to Powell. Thanks guys!!!!!!
— Samson Sheets
Dude, there's no brand as PGD. They rock...they are better than Flip itself! It is smooth riding, fast and made out of Maple... go out and buy one and you'll be ready to rock n roll!
— Andy
Hey Steve and Powell,your new Golden Dragon line has got me re-interested in skating again. good price, looks, and quality. I'm thinking about getting two!! So stoked about these completes. Great Work!
— Richard
I just bought this PGD board yesterday. I took it to our local skate park. I was afraid to do board slides with it. But i did it and nailed everyone of them. the trucks are very awesome. For abec 5 bearings there better then 7s. Nice pop. Landed my first heel flip today! Cant wait to use this board on my videos!
— Tyler Niles
I am a beginning skater. I am learning to skate with this skate board and is to cool. With just one week with this skateboard I can do kickflips, ollies, pop shuvet. It is the best skateboard thank you so much for recommend me this skateboard.
— Santiago Amezquita
It's a good board for starters. It lasted 5 months of skating. Good quality at a a affordable price.
— Jimmy Lee
For a beginner they're great not only are they a very good cost for a beginner to start with they also have great designs and can easily compete with the best board makes.
— Alex Sharjah
Powell Golden Dragon boards are arguably one of the best beginner boards period. The quality for the price is great.
— Vincent
The PGD is my first skate is great and is very fast and sandpaper is very good bearings are also in very good if the skate is very good and as we say here in Chile, sk8 or Dead.
— Oscar Ortega
This board is one of the best skateboard I've used.
— Chad Holland
I bought one of these skateboards on my trip to America to try skateboarding and it is amazing! After my first 5 days I could land a kick flip, ollie and a pop shove it! I was amazed at how fast you could improve with one of these skateboards! Thanks a lot!
— Paul George
This PGD was my first skate board and it was the best buy for 70 bucks. Its fast, light and the graphics are great.
— Gerry Downey
When it comes to skateboards PGD is the best cheap, performance damn it is better than flip itself :D
— Ali Halim
Bought a Green PGD 'Running Dragon' for my 7 yr old son. Managed to land a kick flip while teaching him how to skate, that is after 14 years of not skating. Impress him so much he said 'terer le abah.. mcm mana abah buat'... ha3.
— Johan Wahidi
Well what's going on? People, I am going to get me a PGD from what people have said about them.
— Josh Dunedin
I got my PGD in Dubai. It is the best skateboard I have ever had!!
— Josh Perth